Use Diversity Metrics to Create an Inclusive Workplace

By Ecolytics Team
December 11, 2023
2 min read

Diversity is a critical element of excellence in all areas of life. Employers and educators have found that promoting diversity in their workforces makes for a better-functioning organization. They also benefit from having a diverse workforce by receiving more ideas and insights from different backgrounds and cultures. In addition, promoting diversity improves interpersonal relationships between workers in the office and increases employee satisfaction.

And we’ve known this for a while. In 1947, George H. Massey and Paul Chew published a study that found that companies with higher levels of employee diversity perform better. In fact, a diverse workforce outperforms homogeneous groups in many other ways. For example, a study from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro found that school personnel with more diverse backgrounds performed better in classroom management and teaching techniques. On top of that, employees with more diverse backgrounds felt more included in their work environments and had greater job satisfaction. In addition, promoting diversity reduces discrimination against minorities within the company. As a result, discrimination against minority groups by management decreases when there is a diverse workforce.

Employers tend to find that promoting workplace diversity benefits the entire organization. For example, the Human Rights Campaign -- an American national LGBT civil rights organization -- found that promoting diversity in the workplace improves the overall quality of life for employees. According to an Australian research paper, 'workplace multiculturalism' can enhance staff retention rates by making employees feel valued and important. Plus, encouraging staff members to interact with each other socially fosters team-building and morale boosts. As a result, promoting diversity in the workplace leads to increased productivity among all workers.

In addition to benefiting workers, increasing diversity at work has numerous benefits for employers as well as the economy as a whole. For example, a 2015 report by Ernst & Young states that companies with 50 or more employees have lower annual operational costs if they have diverse workforces. In addition, increasing diversity among college graduates leads to lower tuition costs for universities and colleges. Universities are also able to reduce their racial bias when admitting new students. This improves student retention rates as well as academic performance.

Employers should strive to diversify their workforces by encouraging employees from underrepresented groups to apply for jobs. Studies have shown it improves business performance and promotes positive relationships between workers- both of which are essential for successful businesses. Diverse workplaces are also better for staff morale and can lead to significant economic benefits for businesses as well as society as a whole.

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